Autumn Sky Farm
Autumn Sky Farm is located in Newbury, MA which is conveniently located 40 minutes north of Boston, nestled on rolling acres of farm land where you can smell the ocean when the wind blows the right direction.
Bethany Jones is head trainer and owner of ASF. Bethany has been riding since she was 8 years old and has a plethora of knowledge in the hunter, jumper and equitation rings. Bethany has been traveling the A circuit since she was 14 and went professional when she was 22 years old. Bethany opened Autumn Sky at the end of 2017 and is continuing to spread her knowledge of horses and training onto those who ride with her.
Autumn Sky travels on the A circuit all year round and offers many opportunities for all riders of any level as well as riders as young as 5 years old. You do not have to horse show to be part of the Autumn Sky team! We offer once a week lessons and hold horsemanship clinics, offer summer camp and much more! Browse throughout our website for more info!


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